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Team members

Facilitate collaborative event management by adding multiple users to your account with distinct access privileges. Follow these simple steps to efficiently manage your team:

Navigate to the "Settings" menu and select the "Team Members" tab. Simply enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to add and choose the appropriate role for each user. Once added, users will receive an email notification informing them of the invitation to manage your events.

User Roles and Privileges:




  • There can only be one owner per account.
  • Account owners possess control over all account settings.
  • They have the authority to manage team members.
  • The account owner is initially set upon opening your EventsFrame account.




  • Admins share all privileges of owners, except they cannot manage team members.
  • Admins also cannot change the organization's email and password.




  • Members can scan tickets.
  • They have access to attendee lists and order details.


Effectively utilize these user roles to streamline your event management process and ensure secure access control within your EventsFrame account.